Mentored by Gregory Hines, and now Artistic Director and lead dancer of CPD PLUS (Cats Paying Dues), Andrew Nemr was recently awarded an NEA Masterpieces: Dance Initiative Grant. Nemr and CPD PLUS’ 2008 season Where the Music Lives was described as “a welcome return to the elegance of simplicity and the tap dancer as maker of aural magic” by
In his efforts to continue to champion the art form of tap dance, Andrew co-founded, along with Gregory Hines, the Tap Legacy Foundation, Inc., which aims to build a cultural center in New York City dedicated to tap dance. Andrew is a card-carrying member of the original Copasetics, Inc.
Andrew has been blessed to receive the guidance of many of the great tap dancers including Eddie Brown, Harold Cromer, Dr. Bunny Briggs, Dr. Jimmy Slyde, Dr. James “Buster” Brown, LeRoy Myers, Ernest “Brownie” Brown, Henry “Phace” Roberts, Dr. Henry LeTang, Mable Lee, Tina Pratt, Dianne Walker, Savion Glover, Ted Levy, and Gregory Hines.
Andrew is on the faculty of Steps on Broadway, NYC.